Otterburn Park, March 7, 1995
There are many different ways to present an artist’s approach.
It is however rare to meet an exceptional artist.
Contrary to several colleagues who demand a place in society, their protestationoften being evidence that they have nothing to say, Joëlle B.Le Blanc appearsto me as being of an entirely different category of artist. Her work bears witness to and speaks for itself. Her great sensibility has madeher a tireless traveller, for whom everything uncovers a meaning, which shegenerously translates for us with intensity.
At first glance, we cannot see what is hidden behind this spirit, this love oflife. The more we get to know her, the more we discover that this artist, whenshe talks to us of her mission, deeply feels the urgency to live, to the end shewill go. Her life was shattered at 14, but thanks to the exceptional strength that makesher a deeply independent being, she was able to continue through life anduncover the vessential behind every glance. Her many learning travels, whichallowed her to go through exceptional experiences, made her a communicator. Hertalent is equal to her sensibility, blessed with tremendous intuition; herbattle has never altered her joy of living, her sense of Wonder. Naturally curious, from the age of 5 her parents urged her to enrol in all typesof courses, which eventually lead to classical ballet, ballet jazz, bodyexpression, synchronised swimming at the Quebec Games .
If I had a few more pages to speak of Joëlle Le Blanc, I still would have onlytouched lightly upon the outline of her personality, of her being. I will notend without adding that , what also characterises this artist, is herdetermination. Thus, even after having attended law courses, a field in whichshe could have had a career, an irresistible call was telling her to come backto drawing, to painting.
Fluid lines and high-contrasts will without a doubt captivate and transport the spectator in a world in which she alone holds the key..